Google Labs is developing five projects that could become mainstream in 2010.
News Timeline organizes information on a certain topic chronologically, enabling the user to view it in a timeline. Searches also can be organized based on the news sources from which Google gathers information, such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs.
Email Addict is designed for users who cannot look away from their inbox status. The program blocks access to the Gmail screen for 15 minutes and makes the user invisible on Gchat.
Google Goggles is an Android photo-based search tool. After taking a photograph, Google Goggles scans the image, analyzes, and identifies it. The application works best with pictures of books, DVDs, landmarks, logos, business cards, artwork, and bar codes. The program provides information based on the image, such as details about a landmark or price comparisons of a book. Bar code matches will provide a link to Google Product Search.
Undo Send is an application that gives the user a few extra seconds to stop the delivery of an email.
Social Search will pull relevant Web sites, blogs, tweets, and public profiles created by anyone in the user's social circle and display that information under the normal search results.
News Timeline organizes information on a certain topic chronologically, enabling the user to view it in a timeline. Searches also can be organized based on the news sources from which Google gathers information, such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs.
Email Addict is designed for users who cannot look away from their inbox status. The program blocks access to the Gmail screen for 15 minutes and makes the user invisible on Gchat.
Google Goggles is an Android photo-based search tool. After taking a photograph, Google Goggles scans the image, analyzes, and identifies it. The application works best with pictures of books, DVDs, landmarks, logos, business cards, artwork, and bar codes. The program provides information based on the image, such as details about a landmark or price comparisons of a book. Bar code matches will provide a link to Google Product Search.
Undo Send is an application that gives the user a few extra seconds to stop the delivery of an email.
Social Search will pull relevant Web sites, blogs, tweets, and public profiles created by anyone in the user's social circle and display that information under the normal search results.
Read the complete article by Kristin Burnham at:
~ Sunish
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